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Mellanox With 40GbE NIC

Based on Open Compute Project designs

Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. announced it is offering its 40GbE NIC as a proposed contribution to the Open Compute Project.


The 40GbE NIC is based on Mellanox’s ConnectX-3 Pro ICs, and is designed to meet OCP specifications. available, the ConnectX-3 Pro OCP-based 40GbE NICs with RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) and overlay network offloads offer optimized latency and performance for converged I/O infrastructures while maintaining low system power consumption.

Mellanox has been active in the OCP Network Project and has contributed to the open hardware and software model to help achieve OCP’s vision for true open standards and faster pace in network technology innovation,” said Kevin Deierling, VP marketing, Mellanox. “We’re pleased to continue our collaborations with Facebook in delivering 40GbE NIC technology to OCP to deliver unmatched performance and rich feature-sets that enable superior data center productivity and efficiency.

Mellanox has played an important role in a number of OCP projects, including our new networking project,” said Frank Frankovsky, president and chairman, Open Compute Project Foundation. “We’re pleased to see them propose the 40GbE OCP-based NIC as a contribution to OCP and look forward to collaborating with them further as we work to make open hardware a reality.
