IBM XIV Software V11.4.0 for Models 214 and 114
Delivers encryption, scaling, and cloud management.
This is a Press Release edited by on October 14, 2013 at 2:55 pmIBM XIV Storage System Gen3 with software version 11.4.0 is designed to help secure data with industry-standard encryption for data at rest while avoiding performance impact.
With version 11.4, XIV Gen3 supports encryption
for all capacity points.
- XIV systems are available with SED HDDs and software-based, encryption-ready flash cache
- XIV data-at-rest encryption is implemented with AES 256-bit keys
- Nondisruptively hot-encrypt SED-based XIV Gen3 systems in minutes
- KMIP version 1.0 support
- Manage your keys with IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager, which offers production-ready key management including centralized and simplified key management, as well as separation of key storage from storage
Improve Cloud with XIV
XIV is suited for cloud deployments. The grid design stripes data across all modules and spindles, incorporating data redundancy for consistent and predictable I/O performance that is always load balanced. XIV grid architecture also enables autonomous, and fast fault recovery. XIV architecture is space-efficient and supports space reclamation. To scale-out, XIV supports IBM Hyper-Scale Mobility and HyperScale Consistency for scale out needs. To secure cloud storage, XIV data-at-rest encryption is implemented with AES 256-bit keys, and SED drives.
With XIV cloud integration customers can:
Automate storage discovery and provisioning in OpenStack environments using OpenStack Cinder integration
Automate custom storage operation using the new XIV RESTful API:
- Integration of XIV-native custom cloud with monitoring and provisioning
- Delivered through IBM Hyper-Scale Manager
- Empower users with self-service volume provisioning through IBM SmartCloud Storage
Deploy the new IBM Storage Integration Server to support:
- Multiple deep VMware integration solutions on a single host or VM
- VMware integration of multiple IBM storage arrays through one console
- Enable self-service provisioning and IBM-native storage visibility with the new vSphere web client plug-in
- Enable profile-based provisioning and automated storage placement through VASA Provider
Extend productivity and data protection
with new IBM Hyper-Scale Consistency
- IBM scales XIV snapshot management out with the new Hyper-Scale Consistency, by coordinating concurrent snapshots of volumes that are spread across multiple XIV systems and belong to one application
- Implementation of an enhanced command line that allows I/O operations of entire consistency groups to be stopped and resumed. When I/O is stopped, snapshots are taken near-instantly across all involved machines and consistency groups, to help provide a crash-consistent data set for the application. I/O is then resumed across all involved machines.
Protect your investment with greater
space reclamation support and flexible BC
- Dynamically reclaim space with VMware ESXi v5.5 and Windows 2012 R2 space reclamation support, reducing thin-provisioning risk, and improving capacity efficiency and ROI
- Quick-start synchronous mirroring with offline initialization, flexibly swapping between synchronous and asynchronous mirroring
XIV 11.4 Key business value
- Help to secure information assets with industry-standard encryption for data at rest
- Deploy secure, robust, automated clouds with the latest open standards and integration support, including OpenStack and a RESTful API
- Improve scale-out data protection with Hyper-Scale Consistency
- Deliver an Exchange user experience as reflected in top ESRP results for XIV performance with Exchange 2013
Note: IBM Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager will be renamed on October 29, 2013, becoming IBM Security Lifecycle Manager.
Key prerequisites
An order of a configured XIV Storage System Gen3 machine type 2810 or 2812, Model 214 or 114, must occur at the same time as an initial XIV Storage System software V11.4.0 order.
Planned availability date
November 15, 2013