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Sony Unveils Next-Gen Optical Disc Archive Systems

With faster drives and PetaSite library with up to 98 cartridges

Sony Corporation announced additions to its line-up of next-generation optical disc archive solutions.


Through advances in optical disc-based technologies, rapid read/write speeds
can now be achieved along with flexible and efficient archive management.

Sony’s expanded line-up of optical disc archive systems includes the new
ODS-D77U and ODS-D77F drive units, which run at speeds up to a maximum over
1Gb/s and expandable PetaSite library units ODS-L30M, ODS-L60E and ODS-L100E.

With these new optical disc archive solutions, flexible storage configurations
are available to customers with varying operational requirements, whether
large-scale broadcasting stations or small-to-medium scale production systems.

The new products will be showcased at the BIRTV show in Beijing, China, from
21-24 August 2013.

As the industry accelerates file-based workflows, many professionals have been
looking for long-term, reliable storage for their huge volumes of media
assets. Sony developed its optical disc archive
solutions as a reliable and cost-effective system of
archiving, so customers can ensure the long-term preservation of their
media assets. Long-term storage capabilities, robustness and
guaranteed inter-generational compatibility are some of the hallmarks of Sony’s
archiving solutions.

ODS-D77U and ODS-D77F Units
The ODS-D77U and ODS-D77F bring high speed reading and writing
capabilities, being able to achieve a maximum over 1Gb/s (the speed
may differ according to reading and writing modes and line-up of cartridge) – more than twice
that of ODS-D55U. The ODS-D77U
features an USB 3.0 interface
whilst the ODS-D77F features FC connection
to support the new optical
disk scalable PetaSite libraries and storage management software providers.

In an effort to make the ODS-D77U more user-friendly, Sony will also include an
updated version of its graphical user interface titled Content Manager 2.0. This bundled application supports more formats and features improved
metadata operation and more.

and ODS-L100E
PetaSite Library Units
The three new library units provide ultimate flexibility and expandability,
as users can combine (each
PetaSite system needs at least one ODS-L30M as a master control within a
maximum of 6 library units loadable) a different number of cartridges and drive units to form
an optimal library system which fits their own requirements on storage capacity
and read/write speeds. Optical disc archive cartridges boast an estimated 50
year lifespan and are built to withstand changes in temperature and humidity,
and resist dust and water droplets. Furthermore, guaranteed inter-generational
compatibility eliminates the need to re-archive copies of past archive data,
offering a more user-friendly and dependable long-term storage solution.

For archiving operations at broadcasting stations, optical disc archive is the
ideal shelf archiving system. Media
assets that are not used often can be stored in shelves without incurring large
costs for electricity and heating, as compared to storage in a server
room. On the other hand, media assets
that are frequently accessed can be stored in a library unit so that users can
enjoy multi-access and sharing of files.

"We’re delighted that many alliance
partners continue to support our Optical Disc Archive Systems,
" said Colin
Thompson, Sony archive solutions, Sony Europe. "These new solutions deliver advanced technology for the next-generation
archiving systems, and bring us closer to our vision of creating a long term,
secure archiving solution for the industry.

"At the forefront of storage innovation,
these new systems help users to save precious time and reduce unnecessary
costs, allowing them to allocate a greater proportion of professional hours and
resources to new content creation instead.

Optical Disc Archive Systems (ODA-D77U, ODA-D77F, ODS-L30M, ODS-L60E
and ODS-L100E) will be on display at the BIRTV Show in Beijing at China International Exhibition Centre, from 21-24 August 2013.
