Quantum Scalar i6000 HD LTO-6 Library Stores 5PB in Single Rack, Scales to 45PB
1-96 drives, 100-7,224 cartridges, dual robots
This is a Press Release edited by StorageNewsletter.com on January 31, 2013 at 3:06 pmQuantum Corp. announced the new Scalar i6000 HD enterprise tape library, providing the industry’s highest slot density.
Designed to address customers’ big data and archive needs with slot densities that are twice those offered by competitors, this new library makes nearly 5PB of data available in a single 19" rack and scales to more than 75PB of capacity.
Quantum has also added new HA and management features to the Scalar i6000, as well as greater access capabilities for storing big data archives on tape.
In addition to slot density and scalability, the Scalar i6000 HD delivers high performance and availability, with new active-active dual robotics for fast data access times. Scheduled to be available in March and backwards compatible with Quantum’s Scalar i2000 systems, the Scalar i6000 HD offers a suite of capabilities, including proactive diagnostics and redundant systems, such as power, network ports for encryption key management and connectivity for multi-fabric SAN architectures.
Leveraging its embedded iLayer software, the Scalar i6000 HD also includes Quantum’s Active Vault technology for storing vaulted tapes securely in the library and automated policy-based integrity checking, delivering a rich feature set for management of massive data archives.
Tape’s New Role in Managing Big Data
As the capture and monetization of data grows, so does the role of tape in big data environments. Built to be reliable and inexpensive, tape technology now serves as an effective tier for storing large-scale archives behind disk storage and next-generation object storage systems. To manage data between tiers of storage intelligently, StorNext AEL6000 Archive uses integrated, policy-based software to migrate files automatically. It will incorporate the new high-density capabilities in the next quarter, enabling StorNext customers to benefit from the greater tape slot density, smaller footprint, and increased capacity levels.
In addition, Scalar LTFS provides Scalar i6000 users with greater flexibility for accessing big data archives on tape. Available now, Scalar LTFS provides a NAS file system presentation for tape users in industries working with big data, such as media and entertainment and life sciences. For example, Biola University has deployed Scalar LTFS in its workflow as a flexible and cost-effective approach to storing and accessing large video archives.
Alex Rodriguez, VP of system engineering and product development, Expedient, said: "The Scalar platform enables us to easily license additional slots and not have to worry about significant fixed asset costs. This flexibility plus the reliable performance of the Scalar i6000 makes it a truly attractive tape library for us. Additionally, Quantum’s introduction of high density capabilities addresses the challenges of managing data growth in a service provider environment where efficient use of floor space is critical."
Robert Amatruda, research director, data protection and recovery, IDC, said: "Today’s announcement demonstrates Quantum’s continued focus on extending its tape leadership in the market. The latest density, scalability and redundancy features added to the Scalar i6000 tape libraries make it an ideal solution for managing big data archives and cost effectively maintaining data stored in the cloud."
Robert Clark, SVP, data protection, Quantum, said: "85% of the Fortune 100 have turned to Quantum to meet their storage needs, and we’re continuing to deliver innovative new solutions to address the challenges that large enterprise customers face. This includes adding new offerings such as the Scalar i6000 HD to our tape automation portfolio, which not only is unmatched in its breadth and depth but also reflects the unique benefits tape technology provides in today’s evolving data protection environment."