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Scality Embraces CDMI as Core of Open Cloud Access Strategy

With Dewpoint

Scality unveils its Open Cloud Access Strategy, at the core of which sits a CDMI server implementation, launching Dewpoint, a Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) server.

                            Open Cloud Access

"At Scality we sincerely believe that standards are essential for the adoption of cloud architectures by businesses. After a careful review we came to the conclusion that SNIA CDMI represents the best solution for cloud management and Data Access. We produced an initial prototype of Dewpoint, Scality’s CDMI server, which we presented at SDC last year. After much optimization and dialog with other vendors, we are now ready to bring Dewpoint to the market, as the corner stone of our Open Cloud Access strategy," said Jerome Lecat, Scality CEO.

CDMI is essential to cloud adoption. It avoids the vendor lock-in associated with proprietary APIs. There was already a few CDMI implementations, suggesting that the momentum is building. It simplifies the coexistence of many clouds, the management of clouds, the migration between cloud infrastructures allowing one to maintain the same client access layer even when changing the backend infrastructure.

Scality’s Open Cloud Access Strategy
While some vendors are creating yet another proprietary interface, Scality has an opposite approach.

"At Scality, we want our customers to be able to leverage their cloud storage platform for any unstructured data application. This means giving them access to storage in the ways they expect, rather than requiring that they modify their existing applications. Scality RING Organic Storage software makes the same data available through all the access methods supported by Scality. Today, this includes various REST protocols – Scality’s own documented REST APIs, RS2 (an Amazon S3 compatible API), CDMI and even a file system mount. Scality intends to extend these access methods to CloudFiles and NFS in the coming months," said Giorgio Regni, Scality CTO. "At the core of these access methods sits an abstraction layer used by our CDMI server, which tracks all metadata associated with a file, directory or bucket."

CDMI server software is included with Scality RING and the client is provided with the StaaS Pack.

As a member of the SNIA CSI – Cloud Storage Initiative – Scality participated in the SNIA Storage Developers Conference in Santa Clara, CA, from 17th to 21st of September 2012.

Read also (in French):
Scality annonce sa stratégie Open Cloud Access
