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CloudBerry Lab Explorer V3.5 (Pro Version at $34)

To manage files in Amazon S3 buckets as they would on local computers

CloudBerry Lab has has released CloudBerry Explorer v3.5, an application that allows users to manage files in Amazon S3 buckets just as they would on their local computers.


Explorer allows end users to accomplish simple tasks without technical knowledge, automate time-consuming tasks to improve productivity.

Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., a provider of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) software announced partnership with Amazon Web Services. As the result Eucalyptus now supports the AWS cloud API to enable customers move workloads between their existing data centers and AWS cloud including S3. This also allows customers to use the same tools such as CloudBerry S3 Explorer across both environments.

Starting from the new release CloudBerry Explorer supports Windows 64-bit operating system.

Explorer is designed to work on Windows 2003/XP/Vista/2008 and Windows 7. Microsoft PowerShell command line interface allows computer users integrate S3 storage access with other routines.

CloudBerry Explorer for Windows is a freeware. CloudBerry Explorer PRO costs $39.99.
