Nirvanix Helps Customers Facing Dallas Tornadoes
By moving data from this city to other loacations
This is a Press Release edited by on April 12, 2012 at 3:00 pmIn response to the severe damage caused by tornadoes touching down in the
Dallas area, Nirvanix, Inc. is expanding its Disaster Avoidance Program to customers currently storing data
in its Node 3 data center in Dallas enabling them to exercise the option of
moving their data to other locations in the Nirvanix Cloud Storage
Network – either on a temporary or full-time basis-free of charge.
Currently all of the data in Nirvanix’s Node 5 data center in Dallas is secure
and all services remain normal and available at this time. All Nirvanix
carrier-class data centers are redundant, including diesel generator
power backups and UPS to maintain power at all times-even during rolling
blackout periods-to ensure the company’s data centers are running 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
However, for those customers seeking extra peace of mind, Nirvanix is enabling customers
to select where they would like their data to specifically reside, at no
additional cost. Data relocation options outside of Dallas include two data
centers in the U.S. (Los Angeles and New Jersey), one in Frankfurt, Germany,
two in Switzerland, and one in Tokyo, Japan with Las Vegas and Hawaii nodes
available in the near future.
"We are standing by ready to assist
our customers as they face a series of damaging tornadoes," said Scott
Genereux, president and CEO of Nirvanix. "By storing their data in the Nirvanix cloud, customers benefit from the
transparent movement of data from one region to another with no impact to their
business operations. By making the shift from the physical machine to the
virtual cloud, our customers have embraced a more agile and adaptable business
continuity strategy."
"Tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis,
floods and fires-for years we’ve been talking about anticipatory staging of
data around disasters and the cloud is the ultimate realization of that vision,"
said David Vellante, president and co-founder of "The Wikibon community
continues to document the business importance of the cloud and in tragic
situations such as this, having access to data in multiple locations is
critical. Without the cloud, a company with a single data center would need to
buy the equivalent amount of storage capacity, networking gear, servers,
replication and software licenses and find another data center which needs to
be powered up, cooled, and have data migrated to it. Clearly at a moment’s
notice the cloud, if architected properly, provides companies with levels of
flexibility that they never had available with IT before."