City of Vlašim, in Czech Republic, Relies on Proact
With VMware, disk systems, FC-SAN and D2D backup
This is a Press Release edited by on February 21, 2012 at 2:52 pm
The city of Vlašim required a virtual server solution
including a data storage facility and backup system. The existing solution was
outdated and no longer technologically suitable.
The city of Vlašim opted for a solution from the storage specialist
Proact IT Group.
The solution is based on server virtualisation with VMware,
disk systems, FC-SAN and backup to disk.
A virtual server farm
(application servers, document serves, operation of all city services) is
connected to the FC-SAN structure together with two disk systems.
One of the disk storage systems is used for primary data, while the second disk
system is used for data backup. The backup is performed using D2D
(disk-to-disk) software.