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SMEStorage Supports SugarSync and Ubuntu One

On its hybrid cloud federation and governance platform

SMEStorage has added support for SugarSync, and the Ubuntu One Cloud into it’s SaaS and Appliance hybrid Cloud File Server platform.

The Cloud File Server now unifies data from over 35 different files stores and SaaS services. It enables these federated data services to be accessed and managed from a single ‘Cloud file system’ an is an enabler for cross Cloud Governance whilst enabling consolidation and management of ‘Cloud Sprawl’.

Access to the newly-added clouds is available not only to business Cloud FileServer users but is also available to existing, users of the SMEStorage service, as well as those who sign up for the free service.

Once a business adds clouds into the Cloud DashBoard, IT can assign viewing privileges to folders and files across clouds and control these using access controls.

Data can be audited and is recorded in logs that IT can Archive. The logs monitor all file events as well as recording GEO locations of files uploaded and stored.

The access control and audit features work across all access clients, which include native Mac, Linux and Windows desktop Client and also mobile access from iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7 mobile devices.

"‘Cloud Sprawl’ and controlling access to data is a terrible problem for IT today. Our product helps companies provide some control and governance and puts IT back in control," CEO Ian Osborne stated. "Our hybrid Cloud File Server which can situated on a customer premises and works with public and private data is essentially the antithesis of many vendors who are all grabbing to replicate your data in even more places and adding yet another SaaS vendor to have to control."

The Cloud File Server Appliance is available as a SaaS Service, as a hybrid solution, and as an appliance for Service Providers to use with EMC Atmos, OpenStack, Eucalyptus, public clouds, or their own home grown storage solutions.
