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Symantec PGP Viewer for iOS to View Encrypted Email on iPad, iPhone

And new version of Endpoint Encryption Full Disk Edition

Symantec Corp. has expanded its encryption solution set with the introduction of PGP Viewer for iOS, which enables mobile workers to view encrypted email on an Apple iPad, iPhone, or iTouch, and a new version of Endpoint Encryption Full Disk Edition.

This new version features management capabilities for Opal-compliant, self-encrypting hard drives, allowing organizations to oversee hybrid environments involving hardware and software-based encryption solutions deployed in tandem.

In addition, PGP Universal Server from Symantec, the company’s encryption and key management server, is scheduled to be integrated with Symantec Protection Center (SPC) 2.0. Symantec Protection Center integrates Symantec and third party products which enables an organization to improve visibility into their critical business assets. For example, from the same management console organizations can identify which endpoints are missing full disk encryption and additionally have anti-virus definitions that are out of date.

Symantec provides encryption solutions for organizations of all sizes seeking to protect their proprietary information against data breaches. Its integrated line of encryption product offerings includes disk encryption, device control, removable storage, email, network, and server solutions. They are available for a range of target platforms including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, UNIX, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, and soon the Apple iOS.

Details on the new Symantec encryption product offerings:

  • PGP Viewer for iOS is planned to provide employees of organizations with PGP Universal Server in place with the ability to read encrypted messages on their preferred Apple iOS devices. For example, executive team members can receive and view encrypted copies of a sales report with assurance that both its privacy and security are intact. Symantec PGP Viewer for iOS is an Apple iOS application scheduled to be available for download from the Apple App Store. Once installed, users will be able to access their email through the standard iOS Mail application. After receiving an encrypted email or an email with a PGP encrypted attachment, the user has the option to view the message and attachment using the viewer.
  • Endpoint Encryption Full Disk Edition offers organizations a software-based solution for protecting hard drives from unauthorized access. The latest version is scheduled to provide organizations with the ability to simultaneously manage hardware-based encryption solutions such as the new Opal-compliant self-encrypting drives. Defined by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), Opal standards allow manufacturers to design self-encrypting storage devices capable of automatically securing and erasing data in milliseconds, letting companies reuse the drives more easily.
  • Protection Center 2.0 is a centralized security management console which enables organizations to identify emerging threats, prioritize tasks and accelerate time to protection based on relevant, actionable intelligence. It offers a consolidated view across the Symantec security portfolio and third-party products through three levels of integration including single sign-on, data collection and process automation. It delivers context-aware security management by associating events from enterprise security products along with early warning alerts from Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network, a commercial cyber-intelligence communities.
  • Symantec’s encryption products are part of the Symantec Security Framework, a portfolio of security products and services that enable organizations to counter emerging threats, support new computing models and simplify security management. Symantec’s portfolio of security products and services allows organizations to pursue innovations – such as mobile, cloud and virtual computing models. By providing actionable security intelligence and simplifying security management, businesses can increase both the efficiency and effectiveness of their security posture.

"As a series of high profile security incidents have made the headlines in recent months, the need for organizations to properly protect their intellectual property and other valuable information is becoming increasingly clear," said Art Gilliland, senior vice president, Information Security Group, Symantec. "Symantec’s new encryption solutions protect information wherever it may be stored and accessed, from the cloud to PCs and mobile devices, so users can enjoy the increased mobility they have come to expect."

Company security is one of the focus areas of SAP AG, as the company’s intellectual property is highly sensitive and extremely valuable, and personal data is subject to strict privacy regulations. Therefore, SAP is taking steps to use Symantec’s encryption products to protect confidential information on hard disks, in e-mail communication and on mobile devices. "SAP employees are using their mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers more than ever, and we are working with Symantec to protect the proprietary information on them," said Ralph Salomon, vice president, IT Security and Risk Office, SAP. "Being able to handle data security on these devices, including Apple iOS-based devices, is especially crucial."

"Given it can take large enterprises up to ten years to complete an employee computer refresh, many organizations will be faced with the challenge of managing hardware- and software-based encryption solutions for quite some time," said Henry Fabian, executive director of product marketing at Seagate. "Seagate is pleased to see Symantec offer organizations a seamless way to manage these types of hybrid environments that include products like Seagate’s Opal-compliant self-encrypting laptop hard drives."

The PGP Viewer for iOS App for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch is scheduled to be available on the App Store later this year. An organization must be utilizing the PGP Universal Server from Symantec for key management in order for its users to be able to use the viewer. The latest version of Endpoint Encryption Full Disk Edition will be available in the second half of 2011.
