Bloombase Spitfire for EMC Celerra
For transparent encryption protection of data at-rest
This is a Press Release edited by on June 22, 2011 at 3:20 pmBloombase Spitfire data at-rest solution from Bloombase Technologies Ltd. offers security capabilities for a reliable application transparent cipher-text information storage infrastructure.
Its tamper-proof hardware encryption key security module ensures confidentiality and integrity throughout its whole lifecycle. Bloombase Spitfire Cryptographic Module is NIST FIPS 140-2 certified providing FIPS approved RSA and AES cryptographic algorithms, together with non-FIPS ciphers including Camellia, SEED, 3DES, Twofish, Blowfish, etc. Sensitive persistent data is stored as cipher-text securely stored in EMC Celerra.
The encryption and un-encryption processes are automated by re-routing storage paths via Bloombase Spitfire StoreSafe Security Server cluster providing virtual plain contents to authorized hosts and applications. EMC Celerra storage targets are accessed by both iSCSI, and CIFS and/or NFS storage protocols via Bloombase Spitfire StoreSafe Security Servers. Ciphered sensitive information is stored in EMC Celerra storage system for centralized management enabling only authorized access of virtual-plain information by trusted applications and systems per access rules and security profiles governed by Bloombase Spitfire StoreSafe encryptors.
Microsoft SQL ServerApplication data files, Microsoft Exchange email repository and selected file system folders and directories and storage volumes are protected by AES 256-bit cipher algorithm strong encryption offered by Bloombase Spitfire StoreSafe virtual storages, enabling application servers to achieve various information privacy compliance standards immediately and effectively.
The Bloombase Spitfire storage security solutions helps end organizational customers enforce data confidentiality for storage, which improves system security, enables key rotation, reduces user workflows, segregates data ownership from administration and operation, and enhances efficiency and internal controls.