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SSD Optimization Included in Raxco PerfectDisk 12 ($40)

For more performance and longevity

Raxco Software, Inc. announced that improved intelligent SSD optimization will be included in all editions of PerfectDisk 12. Raxco Software’s core disk optimization engine is now even better for optimizing the performance and longevity of Solid State Drives (SSDs).

Due to the nature of flash memory and how data is currently written, SSD write performance degrades over time. Unlike a hard disk drive, any write operation to SSD storage requires not one step, but two: an erase followed by the actual write. In order to maximize performance and SSD life it is important to decrease the number of writes/updates to the SSD and be sure that any sort of optimization pass performed on the SSD does as little ‘shuffling’ of files and data as possible.

The new requirement for managing SSDs is a disk optimizer that can identify which drives are SSDs and which are traditional hard drives and then perform the appropriate actions for each drive.

With the upcoming PerfectDisk 12, a new SSD Optimize method focuses exclusively on what matters for performance to SSDs. Intelligent analysis is performed and then utilizes free space placement algorithms to provide peak SSD performance and better protect investments. Raxco Software draws upon its pioneering work with free space consolidation to ensure SSD performance. The technology minimizes ‘writing’ to the SSD – which maintains SSD performance over the long term. It’s all done automatically and will be included as a standard feature in all editions of PerfectDisk 12.

"The benefit PerfectDisk 12 provides to those customers using SSDs is that PerfectDisk 12 is able to intelligently identify the SSDs and not perform a traditional defrag on those drives," says Greg Hayes, Manager of Technical Solutions, Raxco Software. "Not only that, the new PerfectDisk 12 SSD optimization method is able to consolidate free space while minimizing the number writes to the disk. The result is better write optimization and reduced overall disk wear."

PerfectDisk 12’s SSD Optimize method will consolidate the free space on the drive without also performing a traditional file defrag. The new method also identifies where the largest section of free space is located and consolidates the free space in that location – regardless of whether it is at the beginning, middle, or end of the disk. Since there is no mechanical seek time on a SSD, file level fragmentation and the location of the files on the disk are not relevant. By taking advantage of this trait of the solid state drive, PerfectDisk 12’s SSD Optimize is able to optimize write times on the SSD without causing additional wear on the disk.

PerfectDisk 12 will be released in June 2011. PerfectDisk 12 builds on the features of PerfectDisk and adds OptiWrite – a new fragmentation-prevention engine to prevent fragmentation in real time, a new SSD optimization process, a new dynamic zone engine which improves RAM utilization, plus many other new capabilities and enhancements.
