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Paragon Alignment Tool (PAT) 3.0 ($30)

Utility addressing partition alignment problems with HDDs/SSDs 4K format

Paragon Software Group announced the Paragon Alignment Tool (PAT) 3.0, designed to resolve partition alignment problems associated with the new 4K Advance Format HDDs, SSDs, and RAID.


Additionally, PAT 3.0 eases alignment issues within virtual machines that run on virtualization platforms such as VMware, Hyper V, or Citrix.

"Over the past year, we have seen a steady interest from home users and small businesses for our alignment technology," said Tom Fedro, president of Paragon Software Group. "Not only do we expect that trend to continue, we also anticipate that every company from mid-enterprise to the Fortune 1000 firms will encounter alignment issues as they migrate to virtual environments and 4K Advance Format hard drives."

PAT is a software utility designed to automatically determine if a drive’s partitions are misaligned, and then properly realign all existing partitions, including boot partitions (and any data they contain) to 4K sector boundaries.

Paragon Alignment Tool 3.0 Features

  • Up to 30 percent faster alignment engine than earlier versions
  • USB 3.0 device support
  • Ability to change alignment operation behavior
  • Automated restart of alignment process if unexpectedly interrupted (i.e., power outage)
  • Partition alignment without rebooting the system
  • Alignment in blue screen mode
  • Universal recovery CD

The Problem with Partition Misalignment
As newer 4K Advanced Format hard disk drives and SSDs become more prevalent in the marketplace, partition alignment issues will increase in frequency. Partition misalignment results in slow write times, and inefficient disk operations. The issue also affects alignment in virtual machines. PAT 3.0 realigns all existing partitions and increases performance by up to 300 percent.

The solution is included in Paragon’s mainstream products such as Hard Disk manager and Partition Manager. It is available as an add-on feature for Virtualization Manager. PAT 3.0 can be downloaded as standalone software for $29.95.
