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… Toshiba-SanDisk Flash Fab 3 and Fab 4 Down for Short Period …

After earthquake in Japan

SanDisk Corporation issued the following statement on the recent earthquake.

The epicenter of the powerful earthquake was approximately 500 miles from Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, Japan, the location of the two Toshiba-SanDisk joint-venture semiconductor manufacturing plants, Fab 3 and Fab 4.

Both fabs were down for a short period of time due to the earthquake and were back up and operational as of Friday morning, Pacific Time.

There were no injuries to SanDisk employees based in Japan. SanDisk’s current assessment is that there has been minimal immediate impact on wafer output due to the earthquake.

SanDisk continues to assess the situation for any potential future impact that may arise from issues related to Japanese infrastructure and the supply chain.
