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Software Generation Implements LTO Linear Tape File System

For digital media workflow

Software Generation, Ltd (SGL), provider of content archive and storage management software for media and entertainment, has implementated the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) with the potential to change broadcast workflows.  

SGL will have a real working demonstration of this solution  at NAB in April 2011.
Traditionally data is written to a media archive in a proprietary format, which means there is no interoperability between systems from different vendors. Additionally, archive libraries can generally only be controlled by archive management systems. However, with the advent of the LTO Program (HP, IBM and Quantum) LTFS, this is no longer the case. Specific LTO-5 and all future LTO tape formats will support LTFS and enable true interoperability between what were once disparate systems.
As well as the broadcast sector this approach has wide implications for post production and acquisition workflows where content can be acquired to disk on location, dragged and dropped to data tape and then the tape transported back to a facility. This removes the need to re-ingest content to the archive and also enables large amounts of data to be transported and archived on a single LTO-5 tape (1.6TB).

Howard Twine, SGL Product Manager says: "LTFS changes the landscape of media archiving and for the first time allows true interoperability between different vendors.  The implementation of LTFS is the next natural progression for SGL and we are delighted to announce that we are leading the way with its development in the archive environment."
