Unknown Storage Start-Up Terasky
Here is only what we got.
This is a Press Release edited by StorageNewsletter.com on December 20, 2010 at 3:11 pmIt’s always useful to follow storage start-ups in Israel because this country is the most prolific in quality storage technologies in the world after USA. Examples: Axxana, Continuity Software, Diligent, FilesX, Mellanox, StoreWize, Voltaire, XIV, XOsoft, to name a few of them.
We tried to contact this company to know more about it, but we didn’t get any answer. Here is only what we got.
Based in Raanana, Israel, Terasky Ltd has a web site under construction citing the company as involved in a vague subject: "Protecting Your Data".
The firm is apparently in an attractive storage activity: data protection in cloud area, backup and recovery cloud services with a product named G-Recovery.
Their founders are not unknown and were the main executives of MBI
Advanced Computer Systems Ltd, also in Raanana, founded in 1985, and
providing online backup and recovery, near-line/in-line storage, laptops
and desktops backup/recovery, availability/clustering, HSM and
automated data migration, email storage management, storage resources
management, recoverability management, and storage security solutions,
as well as replication, remote mirroring, and remote backup solutions.
MBI was acquired by Glasshouse Technologies in February 2007.
CEO of Terasky is Doron Rosenblum,
founding member of SNIA’s Cloud Backup and Restore Special Interest
Group. Following the acquisition of MBI, he served as GM of all business
operations in Israel and Turkey of Glasshouse Technologies. He was also
founder and CEO of Ayeca. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Business
Administration from Tel Aviv University.
President is Michael Burstein who was executive VP, international business development at GlassHouse Technologies after his role at MBI.