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… And Rigrodsky & Long …


Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. announces that it is investigating potential claims against the board of directors of Compellent Technologies Inc. concerning possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law related to the Company’s entry into an agreement to be acquired by Dell Inc. in a transaction with an approximate total equity value of approximately $960 million, and an approximate aggregate purchase price of approximately $820 million, net of Compellent’s cash.

Under the proposed agreement, Dell will acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Compellent for $27.75 per share in cash.

The investigation concerns whether Compellent’s board of directors failed to adequately shop the Company and obtain the best price possible for Compellent’s shareholders before entering into the agreement with Dell. Indeed, according to Yahoo! Finance, at least one analyst has set a price target of $40.00 per share for Compellent stock and the Company’s stock has traded as high as $34.16 as recently as December 8, 2010.
