Tivoli Storage Manager Backup Module for CYA SmartRecovery
For FileNet customers to backup repository content directly to IBM TSM without P8 downtime
This is a Press Release edited by StorageNewsletter.com on October 7, 2010 at 3:00 pmCYA Technologies, an enChoice company, announced the availability of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Backup Module for CYA SmartRecovery. This new module enables customers on IBM FileNet P8 versions 4.0 and higher to reduce storage costs by backing up repository content directly to IBM TSM without any P8 downtime.
CYA SmartRecovery is an application-aware hot backup and granular recovery solution for enterprise content management (ECM) systems that complements existing backup products. It provides hot, synchronized backups and hot, granular recovery of P8 objects (content and metadata). To date, CYA SmartRecovery’s P8 object backups have been stored on disk, however, the IBM TSM Backup Module helps customers reduce storage costs by providing them with the less-expensive option of storing the content within TSM.
According to the InformationWeek Analytics 2010 State of Enterprise Storage Survey, 85 percent of technology professionals say their companies have data growth rates of more than 10 percent per year, with 87 percent currently managing more than one terabyte of data, and 29 percent managing more than 100 terabytes. IT budgets are not keeping up with this growth. According to a global CIO survey conducted by Gartner, IT budgets will increase only 1.1 percent this year.
"Our new module can save P8 customers using IBM TSM a significant amount of money because they don’t have to invest in new storage technologies to accommodate repository backups that are growing larger and larger by the day," said Mike Fernandes, director of product management and services for CYA. "It also helps them store information more efficiently by facilitating a tiered storage strategy that lets them choose the content backup location that best meets their needs and requirements."
The IBM TSM Backup Module is available with CYA SmartRecovery version 4.0. CYA SmartRecovery is also available for EMC Documentum.