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Kanguru Defender Elite Achieves FIPS 140-2 Certification

It's a remotely manageable, hardware encrypted USB key with anti-virus.

Kanguru Solutions announced its latest product to receive Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 140-2) Certification, the Kanguru Defender Elite, a manageable, secure flash drive.


FIPS 140-2, a rigorous federal security accreditation program managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, sets the standard for encryption modules intended for use in protecting sensitive government information. The FIPS standard has been adopted by other governments and enterprise organizations as a security requirement for encryption related products.

"As many people are aware, the recent DOD ban on flash drives has been partially lifted," said Don Brown, CEO of Kanguru Solutions, referring to the 15 month ban of flash drives by the U.S. Department of Defense. "During the ban, the DOD put stringent security measures in place regarding the use of portable storage devices. Working with our federal customers, we have designed our newest encrypted flash drives to meet or exceed the security needs of these new, stricter security regulations. Features like remote management, USB device control and anti-virus/malware protection, are a direct result of input from our customers and are designed to help organizations comply with tightening regulations."

In addition to achieving FIPS 140-2 Certification, the Kanguru Defender Elite also meets Sarbanes Oxley and HIPAA standards. Many states are also introducing strong data breach laws which the Kanguru Defender Elite with Remote Management would specifically address.

"With the Kanguru Defender Elite, we’ve addressed three very popular features," said Nate Cote, vice president of product management at Kanguru Solutions. "Strong, manageable security, reasonable cost, and ease of use for both end users and enterprise rollouts."

In addition to 256-bit AES hardware
encryption and remote management,
the Kanguru Defender Elite also offers:

  • Limited Password Attempts
  • Master Password Support
  • Restricted IP Range/Domain Support
  • Tamper Resistant Design
  • Anti-Virus/Malware Protection
  • No Administrative Rights Required for Use