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NewBay LifeCache Powers Gateway

To Deutsche Telekom's cloud storage service

NewBay Software, in converged digital lifestyle services, is now enabling the one-click instant upload of media from subscribers’ mobile handsets to Deutsche Telekom’s Media Center, a secure online space for the storage and management of user content.


NewBay LifeCache Social Networking Gateway (SNG) and LifeCache Media Upload Client have been deployed to power the upload of photos, videos and audio files to the Media Center, where they can be immediately accessed and shared anytime via PC, mobile or TV.

The Media Center provides a personalised location for the secure storage, management and sharing of subscribers’ digital data such as photos, videos and music. Users can access the service regardless of the device they are currently using ‘ from mobile phones and PCs to Internet TV sets via Deutsche Telekom’s Entertain IPTV offering. A single sign-on, uniform interface and intuitive navigation ensure a seamless, user-friendly experience.

With NewBay LifeCache, media clips can be titled, captioned and tagged from the handset, before being uploaded to the Media Center via a robust HTTP transfer. The LifeCache solution features auto-resume technology, which automatically continues file upload in the event of disruption to the wireless connection, ensuring precious photos, videos and audio files are never lost. Unlike MMS, the HTTP transfer allows photos to be uploaded in high resolution quality, suitable for print. On most handsets the file transfer takes place in the background, meaning that Deutsche Telekom subscribers can make calls, text their friends or continue taking photos, whilst the media is uploading.

"With billions of media processed through NewBay LifeCache, 90% from mobile phones, NewBay is at the forefront of providing digital lifestyle services to operators," said Dr. Nagappan Arunachalam, Chief Marketing Officer at NewBay Software. "NewBay has worked closely with Deutsche Telekom for a number of years and we are delighted to assist in delivering its convergence vision."

As part of this project, NewBay worked with Nokia and Sony Ericsson to embed the LifeCache Media Upload Client on several handsets on the Deutsche Telekom network. Under the NewBay LifeCache Developer Program, NewBay partners with handset manufacturers to reduce the time and risk involved in prototyping and developing digital lifestyle solutions and applications.

The Deutsche Telekom Media Center is now available.
