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Next Dates of SNIA Europe Datacenter Technologies Academy

Formerly Europe Academy

From 2010 the SNIA Europe Academy will become the Datacenter Technologies Academy. Why? Because times – and datacentres – are changing, and so are requirements and what is expect from an educational event. The Datacenter Technology academy is a series of one-day conferences designed to provide storage professionals with regular educational programs on key technologies and solutions.  


Here are the dates and locations for 2010:

Why do people come to the Academy?

  • the content of the presentations is of high quality and vendor neutral (approved by SNIA Europe and therefore will not be a vendor’s product pitch)
  • to get access to industry experts, analysts and consultants, without having to engage in costly contracts
  • tp get to see several vendors in one place, in one day, and these are not just partners within an eco system but truly separate vendors and resellers
  • with dates in several countries it covers most of the key EMEA markets
  • it is free to attend.

Sessions will cover many topics:

  • Cloud storage
  • Data protection
  • Fibre Channel Benefits and FCoE
  • Solid State Storage in Enterprise Storage Systems
  • Ethernet storage
  • Storage considerations for virtual servers

With so many events out there to chose from, it is important to select the ones that are going to give you a return on investment of your time. The Academy certainly does that. The agenda was full of topics that are at the top of our priority list such as server virtualisation and cloud computing and I’m pleased to see SNIA working to bring clarity and standardisation into these areas. I’m looking forward to seeing more in the future," said Vicente Marco, Technical Architect, T-Systems Ltd.
I found attending the Academy to be extremely useful and a good use of time. Most IT storage events are marketing led and simply do not provide a balanced view of the subject being discussed. The SNIA content, on the other hand, was educational, vendor-independent and thought provoking.  It was well worth getting out of the office for a day; a chance to have time to really think about the issues you need to resolve when you get back to your desk," said Colin Ritchie, Storage Architect, BT Group.


Nothing in Paris this year, a city where was regularly organized Storage Academy these past years? More than that, even if it was a small storage event, it was the only neutral one in the country. Consequently, neither storage exhibition nor comprehensive conferences are expected in 2010 in one of the three biggest European countries in term of storage revenues.

As usual, the biggest private storage show will be the EMC Forum on April 10 at Paris La Défense, this year dedicated to "private cloud".
