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Redstor Launches Protector

Data protection service combining backup, data encryption and port access control

Redstor, a managed services and IT solutions provider, announced its new storage management and security service Protector. This ‘cloud’ service secures and protects confidential and sensitive information held on PC’s and laptops in the event of data loss or theft.

By combining policy-driven PC backup, at rest encryption, remote data deletion, port access control and device trace into a single product suite, Redstor Protector allows businesses and Public Bodies to secure, backup, delete and recover their data easily, anytime and from anywhere.

IDC estimates that at least 60% of important company data is stored on laptops and desktops with little or no protection, with less than 8% of users backing up their data on a daily basis. Redstor Protector gives organisations greater management and control of their data through a simple policy driven console and is the most comprehensive way to protect and recover PC and laptop data, at a cost effective price, the equivalent to just a few pence per day per device.

Stories of data loss or theft are becoming frequent features in the news and businesses need to act now to protect their data. If an incident occurs where data is lost or stolen, Redstor Protector has a unique shredding function that can remotely delete data even if the device is offline. Organisations can then be rest assured that there is a recent backup of any files that were deleted stored offsite in a secure data centre.

Other key features that Redstor Protector offers include state of the art Award Winning encryption software, leaving data secured with 256-bit AES encryption by using randomly generated keys for maximum security and privacy. This software complies with the current laws and legislation for data protection, as well as Becta guidelines; making this product extremely popular with the Education Sector, through which Redstor provide services to over 75 Local Authorities  and 12,000 schools.

Protector represents  a unique service proposition for IT service providers to offer their customers based around Redstor’s ‘cloud’ experience, technology infrastructure and marketing. This makes Protector one of the most comprehensive and secure data protection and recovery solutions available today. This solution means Service Providers can offer this service with little or no capital expenditure and can maintain a recurring revenue stream from customers paying a yearly fee.

Paul Evans, Managing Director of Redstor says: "Redstor Protector is a unique and complete data protection service, which is in line with our objectives to empower our service partners with relevant services and solutions, which are repeatable and quick to get to market with little capital expenditure. We very much believe this is the right service for any individual or organisation in these new ‘data sensitive times’."
