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Don Grabski Co-Chairman of SNIA Network File System Special Interest Group

He is director of product management for Panasas.

Panasas, Inc. announced that Don Grabski, director of product management, has been appointed Co-Chairman of Storage Networking Industry Association‘s (SNIA) Network File System Special Interest Group (NFS SIG).

As Co-Chairman, Grabski will collaborate with industry leaders from companies such as EMC, NetApp, and Sun to drive the continued market growth and broad adoption of Network File Systems (NFS), with specific focus on the continued standardization and adoption of Parallel I/O Network File System (pNFS) as various vendors bring their respective pNFS implementations to market.

pNFS allows users to access storage devices directly and in parallel by leveraging the combination of Parallel I/O and NFS. Parallel I/O delivers very high application performance and allows for massive scalability without diminished performance while NFS ensures interoperability among vendor solutions, allows choice of best-of-breed products, and eliminates risks of proprietary technology.

Grabski’s responsibilities include helping create and promote a portfolio of marketing and educational materials explaining the features, benefits, use cases and best practices related to NFS-based network attached storage solutions, with a particular focus on applications and benefits of emerging new capabilities, such as pNFS. He will also co-manage and promote industry educational events.

"As an industry leader and one of the founding members of parallel computing storage and the pNFS initiative, Panasas has an obligation to promote new industry standards in a broad and equitable fashion highlighting the value and logistics for adoption. In turn, we are making it easier for customers to deploy parallel storage across a broader range of applications and markets while ensuring compatibility," said Grabski.


Other co-chairman of SNIA's NFS SIG is Joshua Konkle, from NetApp.
