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Philotek Delivering With Peak 10 Cloud-Based Online Backup Solution for SMBs

With particular relevance to the legal field

Storage industry provider Philotek LLC is delivering a cloud storage model for the SMB marketplace, with particular relevance to the legal field. Peak 10, Inc. will work closely with Philotek to provide critical data infrastructure to support the service.

Philotek’s model has been customized for the legal industry to enable e-discovery of specific files and emails for litigation purposes. This service, which can be deployed by a law firm for a client, can provide a revenue producing line of business upon implementation.

This solution, which includes continuous backup availability and recovery, provides an affordable alternative that is both scalable and secure. Businesses of all sizes can deploy this solution across their entire organization for a consistent data backup strategy that meets their specific needs. The model also offers remote data backup. Cloud storage uses technology that allows customers to choose a retention schedule from a pre-defined set of backup options and both monitor their backups, as well as restore their systems via an intuitive web browser interface.

Because information in the legal industry is extremely sensitive, Philotek uses a secure online backup solution coupled with an onsite retention appliance that allows for encrypted data security and a repository at both the primary site and an SAS70 Type II certified data center.

Philotek has launched this service with support from Peak 10 to increase productivity levels at the growing number of data centers that wish to eliminate their need for sizing back up requirements properly and then attempting to meet their back up windows. “With the continued planned obsolescence of server and storage hardware by the major vendors and the ever growing storage requirements of our customers, we are continually asked to provide a turn-key utility solution that is both cost-effective and easy to use,” says Ryan Walters, Philotek Senior Architect. “Using Philotek’s cloud storage solution, massive amounts of customer data are backed up in a simple, secure, redundant fashion, eliminating the need for a customer to decide which storage hardware and technology to purchase and continually upgrade,” said Walters.

Utilizing the rapidly declining cost of storage-related hardware and the improved technologies of de-duplication and improved bandwidth, Philotek can deliver this entire service offering via the internet in a secure, encrypted fashion and stored using Peak 10’s network of SAS70 Type II certified data centers with multiple levels of redundancy. Prices can start as low as $159 per month.
