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Thales Rolls Out Encryption Manager For Storage

It streamlines encryption key management processes.

Thales, in information systems and communications security, announces Thales’s Encryption Manager for Storage (TEMS), the industry’s first standards-based encryption key management appliance for storage managers.

TEMS supports IEEE P1619.3 and is designed to support OASIS KMIP, along with certain proprietary key management interfaces from leading storage vendors. This eliminates the need for storage professionals to deploy multiple key management systems and gives storage vendors the option to partner with an independent key management provider rather than develop and maintain their own key management systems.

TEMS is available as a ready-to-use appliance that consolidates and automates the management of encryption keys for storage systems in a transparent manner, delivering unified, fine-grained and auditable encryption key security controls. This enables organizations to adopt storage encryption with the confidence that their encryption keys are under control and secured in a cost-effective and future proof management system.

"As data breaches continue to embarrass companies and incur real costs, security initiatives have naturally focused on the storage infrastructure. The use of encryption within the switching fabric, back-up tapes, drives, arrays, and host adapters is rapidly becoming essential for safeguarding sensitive information, but many organizations are concerned about reliability and data recoverability issues," says Jon Oltsik, senior analyst with Enterprise Strategy Group.

"Thales is leading the way with a standards-based encryption key management appliance, making interoperable key management a reality for enterprises, which in turn unifies security practices and reduces the operational burden. This is a significant step for the industry and as a vendor-neutral management solution the Encryption Manager for Storage appliance creates new partnership opportunities for storage vendors," Oltisik adds.

"Responding to demands to secure data, customers are looking for storage systems with low-cost and easy-to-use encryption," says Franck Greverie, Vice President and Managing Director for the information systems security activities of Thales. "Market-leading storage vendors have identified this need and moved quickly to embedded encryption capabilities within their products. The Encryption Manager for Storage is the perfect complement to these systems, providing a single key management infrastructure for the storage environment to ensure that encryption keys are always available " when and where they are needed."

TEMS is the first standards-based key manager available with draft IEEE P1619.3 key management standard support and will support the final specification, due out early 2010. Subsequent releases will also support the recently announced OASIS KMIP key management standard, originally co-authored by Thales with other leading vendors.

Through collaboration with partners TEMS will support legacy or proprietary key management interfaces to provide storage professionals with the flexibility and freedom to utilize encryption at various points within their storage environments and to take advantage of pre-certified integration with their preferred storage systems.

TEMS benefits from a secure and highly scalable architecture designed to meet FIPS 140-2 and builds on Thales’s core cryptographic expertise and reputation for deploying strong cryptography in support of a wide variety of applications.

TEMS will be available in July 2009.
