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EMC Joins SmartWay Transport Partnership

Of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

EMC Corporation has joined the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Transport Partnership to help protect the environment, reduce fuel consumption and improve our air quality for future generations.


"We’re pleased to recognize EMC as an environmental steward looking to make freight transport operations cleaner and more efficient," said Margo T. Oge, Director of the Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA. "Together, EMC and all the SmartWay partners will help improve the quality of our nation’s air; the working environment of our family of employees, customers and business partners; and reduce our nation’s reliance on foreign sources of oil."

Committed to providing facilities that make efficient use of energy and natural resources, EMC has adopted sustainable design, construction and operating practices to offer a healthier, more productive workplace for our employees and reduce the impact on the environment. Through the SmartWay Transport Partnership, EMC, the EPA and the other partners expect to eliminate 33 to 66 million metric tons of CO2 emissions and up to 200,000 tons of NOx emissions per year by 2012. This represents savings of as much as 150 million barrels of fuel per year–equivalent to taking about 12 million cars off the road.

As a SmartWay partner, EMC has committed to improve its environmental performance over the next three years, by incorporating cost-effective practices and technologies into its distribution operations. These practices and technologies include global sourcing closer to demand; optimizing trucking utilization and the total supply chain; and furthering its use of re-usable and returnable packaging.

"For more than a decade, we’ve been committed to developing more energy-efficient products, designing environmentally-friendly facilities, and supporting IT energy-efficiency standards," said Kathrin Winkler, EMC’s Senior Director, Corporate Sustainability. "Partnerships with SmartWay and other government, business and consumer organizations are a way for us to put these commitments into action."

As a leading global technology company, EMC drives sustainability initiatives to improve energy efficiency in its products and throughout the company; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; further education in the community and inclusion in the company; and help organizations around the globe preserve their information heritage.

To view EMC’s sustainability brochure
