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New Version of Tek-Tools Profiler Suite

Expanding support for VMware and IBM SVC virtualization, EqualLogic and Exchange 2007

Tek-Tools Software, Inc. announced the completion of a successful early release program with eight Tek-Tools customers.

As a result, the newest version of the Profiler Suite
is now generally available including:

  • expanded support for virtualization with enhancements to Profiler for VMware and new storage virtualization module, Profiler for IBM SVC
  • new storage module, Profiler for EqualLogic
  • new application support, Profiler for Exchange 2007

Profiler’s ability to monitor ever-changing, ever-expanding IT infrastructures and deliver real-time reports on performance and capacity utilization with an end-to-end view of the data path enables IT managers to identify and resolve problems in real-time as well as make critical time and cost saving decisions based on reality rather than guesswork. Additionally, the historical reports on performance and capacity utilization Profiler provides enable more accurate forecasting.

Long time Tek-Tools customer Global Crossing, a leading global IP solutions provider, has recently been testing the new capabilities in the Profiler for VMware module. “Global Crossing is a leader in aggressively exploring ‘green’ strategies through data center consolidation and server virtualization,” said Michael Gresens, principal systems engineer, technical architecture, Global Crossing. “Profiler gives us a more complete and clear picture of the infrastructure, which enables us to more proactively manage and optimize our IT resources, including the reduction of power and HVAC consumption. And, in this new version, the single dashboard view of all our Virtual Machines gives us a quick snapshot of the relative health and status of our VMware environment based on the thresholds we’ve set. I can quickly see if there’s a problem with one of the Virtual Machines that requires further investigation rather than having to look at each one individually.”

Expanded capabilities in Profiler for VMware
As the virtualization footprint in today’s IT infrastructures continues to grow, Tek-Tools continues to broaden Profiler for VMware’s capabilities for managing and maximizing VMware. The latest enhancements to the Virtual Machine monitor enables IT managers to see the health and status of all Virtual Machines from a single screen. The Virtual Infrastructure Dashboard now delivers a view of the entire virtual infrastructure enabling users to quickly and easily drill down into its elements for further investigation. Additionally, from within Profiler for VMware, users can view, create and modify ESX and VM groups.

New Profiler for IBM SVC Module
Accommodating customers’ movement toward storage virtualization, Tek-Tools has developed the new Profiler for IBM SVC module. With this module, users can monitor and obtain high-level views of the virtualized storage infrastructure that are currently not available with native tools that focus primarily on configuration. Plus, the information is available from the same Profiler resource management console as other infrastructure components, giving the user a single destination for monitoring and management of the IT infrastructure.

New Profiler for EqualLogic Module
Tek-Tools new Profiler for EqualLogic module brings reporting and monitoring capabilities to include support for EqualLogic’s iSCSI SAN arrays, delivering performance, trending and forecasting data that was previously unavailable. With this timely information on available storage drives, IT managers can make more informed decisions as to when to archive data and when to purchase more disk.

New Profiler for Exchange 2007
With the addition of support for Exchange 2007, IT managers can map the Exchange datapath from the server, physical or virtual, to the LUN in order to locate where Exchange data is on the SAN. The ability to now see where Exchange data is physically located aids in achieving compliance with security policies and regulations as well as service-level agreements. In addition, this end-to-end visibility enables trending, alerting and performance optimization.

In today’s economy, every expenditure is being scrutinized more so
than ever before. IT departments are charged with providing and
maintaining IT infrastructure to support businesses with smaller staffs
and little or no budget for capital expenditures
,” said Tek-Tools CEO Ken Barth. “Profiler
helps IT managers quickly understand the IT resources they have in
place and how to squeeze more value out of them or make a solid
business case for absolutely necessary capital improvement

Tek-Tools continues to offer competitive pricing for its Profiler Suite. The one Profiler server required remains at $4,000. The Profiler for VMware module remains $995 per ESX host regardless of the number of guests on the server. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the new modules are priced as follows:

  • Profiler for IBM SVC — $12K per IBM SVC
  • Profiler for EqualLogic — $3K per EqualLogic member
  • Profiler for Exchange 2007 — $1,500 per Exchange 2007 server
