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B&L RFID Solution for its Tape Management Products

Relying on Imation's UHF RFID volser labels

B&L Associates, Inc., in open systems tape management solutions, announced a new radio frequency identification (RFID) solution for their Vertices and VaultLedger tape management products. The new solution relies on cutting-edge RFID technology, including Imation‘s ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID volser labels, to provide a higher level of accuracy and efficiency to the tape management process.


With transmission ranges of up to six feet for cartridges or up to two feet for transport cases, Imation’s UHF RFID volser labels allow data center personnel to quickly and easily ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ individual cartridges — or even entire cases of cartridges — using our new next-generation hybrid RFID scanner. The cartridges are then tracked via Vertices or VaultLedger software.

The cornerstone to B&L’s RFID solution is the Symbol 9090G handheld RFID wireless scanner from Motorola. The rugged yet versatile scanner easily works with both RFID technology as well as traditional tape cartridge bar code volser labels. The dual compatibility allows users to immediately enjoy the benefits of RFID technology without having to revamp their entire system.

"Our new RFID solution provides our customers with unprecedented accuracy and control of their backup tapes and other media," said Michael Kramer, VP Sales and Marketing at B&L Associates. "Our customers still receive all the great functionality they have come to expect with Vertices and VaultLedger, but now they can also enjoy the 100% reliability and convenience that RFID technology provides."

Exciting new features include a proactive ‘search’ function that quickly locates cartridges by searching for their RFID signal. In addition, users can initialize RFID tags on the fly as well as program watch-lists to help identify misfiled tapes.
