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Asempra Business Continuity Server, Starting at $19,500

To recover rapidly Microsoft applications and data

Asempra Technologies, Inc. unveiled the latest version of its Asempra Business Continuity Server (BCS), the only solution to recover Microsoft applications and data in seconds.


The new BCS 2.7 release from Asempra provides new levels of scalability to support larger and consolidated Exchange 07 and business critical SQL applications designed for midrange customers. With this increased scalability, Asempra saves customers as much as $150,000 by eliminating the need to buy and manage multiple data protection and recovery products, trims operating costs related to application and data recovery, and reduces capital expenditures associated with storage purchases.   

Dan Bennington, IT Manager for the Town of Florence, Arizona, relies on Asempra’s BCS solution to ensure that when a Windows outage occurs critical data and applications will be back online within minutes. The Town of Florence faces IT challenges common to all small local government entities that deliver 24×7 municipal IT services for fire, police and public works departments. The consequences of an IT outage can mean life or death if emergency services are hamstrung by extended downtime of critical applications. “Quite simply, we wanted to make sure our Town IT services could recover rapidly from a potential IT disaster or outage,” said Bennington,  “Asempra’s Business Continuity Server allows us to restore our SQL server databases within seconds and our Exchange server in minutes from a secondary site so we can keep important Town services available at all times.  We’re pleased to add the capabilities of BCS 2.7 to our environment.”

Asempra’s BCS ensures that mid-market companies that are becoming increasingly reliant on immediate access to Windows-based applications and data can avoid costly and disruptive downtime or data loss if an outage occurs. In fact, it is the only offering that allows users to send and receive emails or process SQL transactions while the complete data set is being recovered in the background.

With full support for both Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2007 the BCS 2.7 release is also ideal for customers upgrading to Exchange Server 2007. The risk of downtime and data loss is at its highest when companies are upgrading or changing their environments. Deploying the BCS 2.7 solution before the migration to Exchange 07 guards against potential business disruptions during the process.  

As mid-market IT managers see their organizations increasingly reliant on key applications such as Exchange and SQL, storage capacity requirements grow at accelerated rates as well. Asempra’s BCS 2.7 provides new capabilities to support customer data growth while ensuring continuous data accessibility and instantaneous data and application recovery in the event of a failure.  It extends the BCS platform to new Microsoft applications with support for Microsoft Exchange 07, Windows File Server and SQL 2005 on 64-bit architectures. Additionally, Asempra supports backward compatibility with SQL 2000 on Windows 2003 enabling those customers to access the benefits of BCS 2.7 without changing their application environment.   

The mid-market data protection and storage segment is changing before our eyes, as users are facing the challenges of managing and protecting data loads and infrastructures that are becoming more enterprise class,” said Gary Gysin, President and CEO of Asempra.  “Asempra demonstrates commitment to this core customer base with our latest BCS release.  We deliver an affordable solution that ensures the ability to access critical applications and data, while supporting their needs to scale and migrate without any downtime risk.”

Asempra’s Business Continuity Server Version 2.7 is immediately available with prices starting at $19,500.

More on Asempra’s Business Continuity Server
