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Forensic UltraDock From WiebeTech

New write-blocked access through eSATA, USB or FireWire

Professional Hard Drive Imager-Forensic UltraDock is WiebeTech‘s premium Forensic Dock. With five ports on the host side, native PATA and SATA drive connections, two power options, a recessed on/off switch guard, 8 status LEDs in a strong and rugged aluminum enclosure, Forensic UltraDock is the leading forensic field imager.

UltraDock v4 

New Write-blocked Access Through eSATA, USB or FireWire
Now WiebeTech’s proprietary write-blocked technology offers easy read-only access to suspect hard drives through eSATA as well as USB and FireWire 800/400 for maximum versatility. Download and image contents of a suspect drive without risk of data being written back to the drive. And it’s fully compatible with forensic acquisition and analysis software.

HPA/DCO Detection Now Included
Various software applications exist which allow a user to create or modify a Host Protected Area (HPA) or Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) table on a hard drive.

Special Offers: DriveDock Upgrade Program – Upgrade to get HPA/DCO detection
Some of the latest Forensic Docks shipping from WiebeTech offer an important new feature, the ability to detect HPA and DCO areas on hard drives.

What this feature means is that if there are hidden partitions, you’ll know (a blinking LED will tell you). There may be hidden data lurking in those HPAs or DCOs behind what the operating system can see, and could be an important part of your investigation – in fact, it may be exactly what you were expecting to find on the drive in the first place – the reason for your investigation. Normal tools will not alert you to the presence of these hidden partitions.

This offer expires August 31, 2008.
