Insiders at Intevac Buying Stock
More than $323.66K
By Jean Jacques Maleval | March 11, 2008 at 3:04 pmSeveral insiders at Intevac Inc. have reported buying more
than $323.66K in one day as the stock was trading at less than 50 percent of
its 52-week high.
Notable purchases include:
- Dury David S, Director: reported buying $195.86K
- Hill Stanley J, Director: reported buying $127.80K
Over the last four weeks insiders at Intevac Inc. have bought more than $574.36K:
- Dury David S, Director: bought $429.31K increasing total holdings by 255%
- Andreson Jeff, VP Finance and Administration,: bought $17.25K increasing total holdings by 50%
- Hill Stanley J, Director: bought $127.80K increasing total holdings by 100%