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Thomson Licensing Assigned Patent

Programmable read-only memory device and method of writing same

Thomson Licensing, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, has been assigned a patent (9,047,957) developed by Kropp, Holger, Wedemark, Germany, and Blawat, Meinolf, Hannover, Germany, for a “programmable read-only memory device and method of writing the same.”

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: ”A bit cell of the PROM-device comprises a carbon nanotube having a tilted portion comprising a free end and a fixed portion which is to the reference node. The carbon nanotube comprises a structural defect between the fixed and the tilted portion which causes the carbon nanotube to tilt such that the free end is electrically connected to either the storage electrode or an opposite release electrode.

The patent application was filed on July 24, 2012 (13/557,179).
