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Opswat Assigned Patent

Determining whether storage is encrypted

Opswat, Inc., San Francisco, CA, has been assigned a patent (9,471,794) developed by Czarny, Benjamin, San Francisco, CA, Mo, Jianpeng, Burlingame, CA, and Dynin, Boris, Menlo Park, CA, for a “determining whether a data storage is encrypted.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A method, program and/or system reads a file through a first path from a data storage to obtain a first data. The file is read through a second path from the data storage to obtain a second data. The first data is compared to the second data. When the first data matches the second data, the file is determined not to be encrypted in the data storage. When the first data does not match the second data, the file is determined to be encrypted in the data storage.

The patent application was filed on February 3, 2016 (15/015,084).
