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Support of Azure File Storage for FileCloud From CodeLathe

Starting at $999/year for 20 licenses

CodeLathe, LLC announced that FileCloud adds support to Microsoft Corp.Azure File Storage as a backend storage.



The FileCloud integration with Azure File Storage allow businesses to deploy high available, redundant and scalable FileCloud hosting on Azure without any complicated setup. Businesses can scale their FileCloud as they add more users and workload.

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Azure File Storage offers file shares on Azure using the standard SMB protocol (SMB 3.0). It is built on the same technology as Blob, Table, and Queue Storage to utilize the availability, durability, redundancy and scalability offered by the Azure platform.

FileCloud empowers corporate IT departments, and MSPs to create their own secure file sharing and sync platform. FileCloud is a pure-play software solution, businesses can choose to deploy it on-premise or on public cloud IaaS services.

As FileCloud deployments grow larger, the need for highly available, redundant and scalable storage becomes critical. We have load tested Microsoft Azure File Storage extensively with thousands of users and millions of files. It performed well andmet all our key performance requirements to host FileCloud on Microsoft Azure,” said Madhan Kanagavel, CEO, CodeLathe. “FileCloud integrated with Microsoft Azure File Storage is a perfect for our customers looking for a highly available, redundant Enterprise File Share and Sync Solution hosted on Microsoft Azure.”

Customers have told us that HA and redundancy are critical for an enterprise file sharing platform,” says Nicole Herskowitz, senior director, product marketing, Microsoft Azure. “The FileCloud integration with Microsoft Azure File Storage simplifies FileCloud hosting on Microsoft Azure, while meeting the demanding data redundancy and durability requirements of modern enterprises.

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FileCloud differentiates from its competition in three major areas:

  • Complete control: Ability to deploy on-premise or on cloud; offers total control over user access and hosted files.

  • Extreme customization: Unparalleled branding and customization options to broadcast the organization brand.

  • Superior value: Create value for customers by providing simple pricing, product innovation and fanatical customer support.

Global 2000 companies trust FileCloud across all industries in 65 countries.

Pricing for FileCloud starts at $999/year for 20 licenses. Additional user licenses cost just $25 per user per year.
