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Entelic Recommends Complimentary DR Assessment for Small Businesses

Focuses on educating existing clients about offsite backup for gaining peace of mind.

Entelic Group, Inc. announced it’s giving its existing clients a free DR assessment through August 31, 2015.


The evaluation, available for new clients and those businesses interested in securing their data, is focused on enlightening those companies about the benefits of offsite, or cloud-based, backup to protect business information.

Having an offsite backup solution is absolutely critical to achieving peace of mind running a small business,” said Michael Brandt, senior partner and owner, Entelic. “Our objective is to better secure their vital business data using the assessment as a tool to find out if our clients’ current backup strategy really works.

According to a recent study from Gartner, 94% of SMBs are backing up their data. Yet, 60% of them are keeping it only onsite. Onsite backup is insufficient to protect businesses from natural disasters, theft or hardware malfunctions.

Backing up offsite“, says Brandt, “could be the difference between getting a small business on its way to recovery and trying to survive.”
