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GlobalFoundries Assigned Patent

Self-adjusting phase change memory storage module

GlobalFoundries, Inc., Grand Cayman, KY, has been assigned a patent (9,563,371) developed by Li, Jing, Ossining, NY, and Verma, Dinesh C., New Castle, NY, for a “self-adjusting phase change memory storage module.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: “A dynamic self-adjusting memory storage device and method of operating. The device includes a plurality of adjustable-size phase change memory, (PCM) storage sub-modules connected to and communicating over a bus with a control device. One of the plurality of adjustable-size memory storage sub-modules is in a stand-by mode of operation. The control device implements steps to: determine, based on a switching criteria, when the memory storage device needs to be switched to a different operation mode, select one or more adjustable-sized memory storage sub-modules for switching to said different operation mode, copy stored data from a selected actively operating adjustable-size memory storage sub-module to said adjustable-size memory storage sub-module in said stand-by mode, and change the capacity of the selected actively operating adjustable-size memory storage sub-module after the copying. The dynamic self-adjusting memory capacity method is performed without powering down the memory storage device or paying any timing penalty.

The patent application was filed on July 26, 2013 (13/952,279).
