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IDrive Express 48 Service Ships Physical Drive Up to 1TB

$100 shipping and processing fees

IDrive Inc. announced its IDrive Express 48 service that uses a physical drive to ship large amounts of data to customers in order to eliminate bandwidth congestion, which slows download speed, and provide a faster cloud data restore.


It’s free of charge to both business and personal users, that ships data (up to 1 TB) via physical drive, for backup and restore, within 7 business days.

IDrive Express 48 is an extension to our current physical restore service. We created the new service as a response to the demand we were experiencing from customers,” says Raghu Kulkarni, CEO, IDrive. “Seven days wasn’t fast enough for restoring users’ files, especially when the order was business critical data. If a business suffers a data loss disaster, they need to get things backup and running as soon as possible. So, we created this service to get data right to their door, within 48 hours, excluding weekends.

As data continues to grow at a rapid pace, we recognize that a service like this is an undeniable need in both the consumer and small business markets, and data always needs to be protected and readily available for restore. We’ve made the necessary technical enhancements to make that possible,” Kulkarni adds.

Available, the service costs $99.50 per use to cover all shipping and processing fees. The service can be utilized for data retrieval up to 1 TB.
