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Coho Data Web-Scale Storage Appliance for Enterprise Available

Hybrid flash scale-out storage for private cloud

Coho Data, Inc. announced the availability of DataStream 1000, a scale-out storage offering that leverages a software-defined approach to deliver twice the price: performance ratio of all-flash storage arrays.

DataStream Storage Architecture

Coho Data

Launched in beta late last year, it combines commodity hardware with web-scale software that’s tuned for the latest commodity PCIe flash technologies, delivering simplicity, scale and predictable high performance that is packaged and operationalized for the private cloud.

The company also announced that storage industry veteran, Paul Sallaberry, has joined its board of directors. Sallaberry’s most recent senior operating role was with Veritas Software as EVP of worldwide field operations, where he was responsible for growing Veritas from less than $50 million in sales to more than $1.5 billion, achieving its profit goals and building a global multi-tier sales distribution and services powerhouse.

Today’s companies have rigorous demands for scalability, performance and price that can’t be accommodated using the storage offerings that are currently on the market. These businesses need to be able to take advantage of flash storage for all applications, not just manage a flash silo for top tier ones,” said Ramana Jonnala, CEO, Coho Data. “With the availability of DataStream 1000 and the addition of another industry expert to our board, we are poised to bring the economy and flexibility of web-scale IT architectures in public clouds to on-premise solutions that businesses can rely on.

The solution delivers the modularity needed to enable businesses to scale data capacity and performance on demand to any application. This approach eliminates many of the configuration and management challenges that are systemic in traditional monolithic storage implementations, allowing companies to focus on business, rather than storage challenges.

By 2017, Web-scale IT will be an architectural approach found operating in 50% of Global 2000 enterprises,” predicts Gartner, Inc. in ‘The Long-Term Impact of Web-Scale IT Will Be Dramatic,‘ C. Haight, August 2013.


  • Predictable Performance

The architecture delivers up to 20x the performance of traditional storage products, with 180,000 random IO/s in every 2U DataStream Chassis to meet the needs of virtualization workloads like virtual desktops and other enterprise applications. Patented technology using software-defined networking in the 10GbE DataStream switch guarantees linear performance scaling from terabytes to petabytes with zero bottlenecks.

  • Open Scalability

By embracing open commodity hardware, it allows customers to take advantage of continuous improvements in hardware costs. This allows them to start with a system that meets their capacity and performance needs and then grow the system as their business demands it, mixing and matching different generations of hardware and eliminating the traditional storage refresh cycle.

  • Web-Scale Simplicity

With automated per VM performance tiering and durability profiles, built-in HA and predictive analytics for capacity and performance growth, it is designed to bring the efficiency of web-scale datacenters to the enterprise.

The DataStream product line is installed in large enterprise private cloud environments.

As a leader in the desktop as a service space, we’re looking to the next generation of flash-based storage technologies to deliver scalability and performance that matches the dynamic requirements of our virtualization environment so we can deliver faster services to our customers,” explains Nathan Nieblas, director of IT services, onthenetOffice. “The Coho DataStream is an exciting storage solution with a great combination of performance density and automated management features. The unique use of software-defined networking for simplified scale-out means this architecture will be able to grow in-step with our customers’ needs.

We strive to be at the forefront of IT advancements so we can develop and deliver innovative multi-source intelligence solutions for the Federal market,” explains Kevin Foster, engineering lab manager, Overwatch Intelligence Solutions, an operating unit of Textron Systems, a Textron Inc. company. “We recognize that the Coho DataStream is a completely new model to scaling storage for private clouds that offers a simpler but more powerful architecture. By integrating commodity flash with dedicated CPU resources and embedded networking intelligence, the Coho DataStream creates a scalable storage fabric that enables us to grow our storage capacity and performance in a fast, dynamic way to respond as we scale our virtualization with VMware.

Enterprise IT organizations can learn from the web-scale firms as they build out their private cloud infrastructure. They need the performance of the latest flash technology, but more crucially, they need a flexible scale-out model that uses commodity hardware and simpler management to build out their storage infrastructure to accommodate many different application workloads,” explains Ashish Nadkarni, research director, storage, IDC. “The Coho Data team has built a solution with high performance scale-out capability combined with cost-efficient hardware that challenges the price-performance of both traditional storage and many of the flash arrays in the market. They’ve created a new operational model for scaling storage more efficiently in the enterprise.

We believe scale-out storage based on commodity server hardware is rapidly becoming the standard architecture for storage systems,” explains Tim Stammers, senior storage analyst, 451 Research. “Coho is going a step further by pioneering use of SDN within its storage systems, running over standard 10GbE. The potential performance and cost advantages will be very attractive to companies considering next generation storage architectures for their private clouds.

Coho Data is building a flash-based scale-out solution that delivers the scale and performance for mainstream enterprise storage,” said Sallaberry. “By combining flash performance with a web-scale economics model, DataStream is ready to challenge the entrenched monolithic array, and I’m excited to be help guide this team as they take on this massive market opportunity.
